Today we continued with our presentations of unit 4.

Today's contents were:
  • Speaking with support
  • Reading in English
  • Writing in English
And I'm going to write about the last one, my presentation, in order to explain you deeply the content.

When the students learn how to write in English, the teacher has to take into account the age and the degree of familiarity with the script. 
Writing in English is very important, as the students not just only develop their writing skills, but also they acquire vocabulary words and they learn and practice how to use the grammar properly.

While writing in English students:
  • Develop their finger control.
  • Form letters.
  • Become familiar with the relationship between sound and spelling in English.
  • Keep the picture of the letters in their minds.
  • Learn when to use the capital letters and how to punctuate.
Some activities that are important to develop Writing in English are:
- Practising the alphabet. It helps the student to learn how to spell the words properly. 

- Writing with their classmates. They learn from each other.
- Writing freely. It helps the students to be autonomous and self-confident when writing in English. 

This content is really important and necessary to work with children as it helps them to develop different skills. As a future teacher, I have to give Writing in English the importance it deserves. 
It is true that in most cases children don't like writing, but there are many "activity-games" that make them being with an active learning, and encourage them to practice more writing.

If they realise that their effort was pay off, they will be more motivated and they will want to continue practising Writing in English.
